SIGNAL IDUNA Lebensversicherung (SI)
Role in SOCCER: A large private company, end-user, SOC operator, a critical infrastructure (insurance & finance)
Part of SIGNAL IDUNA group of companies from insurance and finance sector, SI offers all types of insurance and several financial products from a single source. With almost 12 million insured persons and contracts, insurance premium income of €6.3 billion as well as investments and customer funds of €102.9 billion, it occupies an outstanding position in the league of major German insurance groups. Three SIGNAL IDUNA Group’s parent companies are managed jointly and build a uniform group with 17 subsidiaries in Germany and four in other EU countries with two corporate headquarters in Hamburg and Dortmund. SI has a long-standing history of providing services to the European market and has a vast amount of knowledge and expertise in the field of cybersecurity and is familiar with the challenges within critical infrastructures.
Following products are provided by the SI: health and nursing care insurances, life and pension insurance, accident, property, liability and transport, car insurance, credit, legal expenses, travel insurance; as well as reinsurance, home loan and savings contracts, real estate financing and investments. These types of data (personal, health, financial) fall under very strict protection regulations.
The IT infrastructure tribe provides secure and reliable workplace- and IT-infrastructure-service to the business. Due to the business’ nature a variety of national regulations (GDPR, German Federal Office for Information Security – BSI and its Regulation on critical infrastructures – KRITIS, Federal Financial Supervisory Authority - BaFin, Germany’s Insurance IT Regulation – VAIT) must be abided to, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all data.
SI has two physically separate and redundant data centres that build the foundation of SI’s infrastructure. The technology spans from legacy services and hardware, such as the mainframe, to moderntechnologies, Linux, Windows, Java software Stack, virtualisation, on-premises and cloud based, Container-platforms. SI company's strategy is to innovate IT with one of the most critical areas being cybersecurity, which has received the highest priority for innovation initiatives and projects.

Project Consortium
The goal of the consortium is to match technical (TS) and research (SZTAKI) experts with market experts (SI, ORO) to provide a full lifecycle approach to cybersecurity challenges.